🧠Where markets come from?

Kalshi markets come from proposals submitted by either a member of the exchange or somebody on Kalshi's team.

Have an idea for a new market? Share it with us here.

Each market suggestion is reviewed by Kalshi’s Markets Team, which considers whether the market would be appropriate to list on the exchange.

Here are a few core requirements:

  • The market should have minimal risk of manipulation to provide an even playing field for all members.

  • The market does not encourage harmful behavior.

  • The market’s outcome can be determined by a reputable and reliable source.

Satisfying all of these conditions is absolutely critical for any market listed on the exchange, and the vast majority of submissions do not make it past this stage. If a suggestion does make it through this β€œcontract vetting framework,” then the Contracts Team drafts a Product Certification, outlining in detail the market’s terms and conditions. After the Product Certification is published, the market is ready for business.

Have questions or need help? Send us a message here: support@kalshi.com

Last updated